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Reading Your Character Sheet

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In the Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode - Free Basic Rules, just the basic rules and lore to get started have been included. For the full Dark Future lore and all the advanced rules, check out the Cyberpunk RED Core Book!

The Character Sheets in the Cyberpunk RED Easy ModeĀ game module contain all the information you need to play your Character. Here's a breakdown on what all the terms and numbers mean.

  1. Your Character's Handle (the name they're known by on The Street) and Role (their occupation).
  2. Your Character's STATS (see Stats in Playing the Game) as well as their HP (aka Hit Points: how much damage they can take before they risk dying), their Seriously Wounded number (see Wound States in Playing the Game), and their Death Save number (see Death Saves in Playing the Game).
  3. Your Character's Skills (see Skills in Playing the Game). The most important thing here is the TOTAL at the end of each row. That's the STAT + Skill Level and it'll be what you add to your 1d10 roll on Skill Checks.
  4. Your Weapons and Armor. The Armor lists the type and SP (aka how much the armor subtracts from damage done to you). The Weapons list type, DMG (how many d6s you roll then add up to determine damage), amount of ammo the weapon holds (if any), ROF (Rate of Fire, see Movement in Playing the Game), and any notes.
  5. Your Role Ability. This is a special bonus ability only you get/can do because you are a Rockerboy, Solo, Tech, Medtech, or Media.
  6. Cyberware. You have machines in your body that enhance your abilities in some way. This section tells you how.
  7. Any additional gear you have, with name and description.
  8. A portrait of your Character and a spot for jotting down notes.

The back of each Character Sheet contains space for noting down your Lifepath (see Lifepath) and more information about your Role.

With the Cyberpunk RED Core Book you can create your own Edgerunner completely from scratch, choosing their STATS, Skills, weapons, armor, cyberware, gear and more!


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