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This six-armed Humanoid horror is garbed in golden armor and surrounded by a nimbus of floating, glowing weaponry.
With the notable exception of the unique asura ranas, asurendras are the mightiest of their kind. Although few asurendras possess anything resembling an extended realm, in Hell or elsewhere, these asuras are the “wise ones” of asura kind. Most dwell within shrinelike fortresses in which they can practice their ruinous mysticism and Command lesser asuras who seek their teachings. To most asuras, an asurendra's order is something akin to a deific edict.
Each Asurendra is a Humanoid Creature of immense proportions. Their exact appearance varies just as the appearances of humanoids vary, but all asurendras have six arms and multiple eyes and heads. An asurendra's body is an example of physical perfection, athletically and gracefully built, but its face has monstrous or inhuman features, such as tusks or bizarrely placed features. Most asurendras are 19 feet tall and weigh 8,000 pounds.
Few asurendras were born to their might—they achieve their power only over the course of countless lifetimes spent as lesser asuras. Throughout each incarnation, these tenacious asuras sought unity with some concept of Destruction. Eventually, through dark meditation and vile Action, the asuras ascended to a state of being united with some aspect of unmaking. They also gained power over their own being and slowly reshaped themselves into a Vision of their perfect selves, instruments of annihilation ideally suited to fell gods and their divine works.
In battle, an Asurendra does its best to destroy all enemies, taking a moment to ensure death when any foe falls. Asurendras enjoy eating the bodies of fallen foes, and some can even use the flesh and bone of those they consume to create new asuras to serve them.
Special Abilities
Curse of False Wisdom (Su) Claw—contact; Save Will DC 31; Frequency 1 day; Effect 1d6 Wis drain.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; Save Fort DC 33; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Effect 1d6 Con; Cure 2 consecutive saves.
Spirit Blades (Su) As a swift Action, an Asurendra can call forth up to six longsword-shaped force effects that float near the Asurendra until directed. The Asurendra can use a standard Action to direct one blade to attack a target up to a distance of 50 feet away, or use a full-attack Action to cause all six blades to attack up to six different targets up to a distance of 50 feet away, each to a different location if desired. Once an Asurendra directs a spirit blade to attack a foe, the blade continues to make a single attack against that foe each round on the asurendra's turn until directed otherwise by the Asurendra and as long as the foe remains within 50 feet of the Asurendra. As a move Action, the Asurendra can direct all currently attacking blades to switch targets to new foes within 50 feet. These Weapons attack using the asurendra's base Attack Bonus modified by its Wisdom modifier (+29 for most asurendras), and deal 3d6 points of Damage plus an amount of force Damage equal to the asurendra's Wisdom modifier (3d6+7 for most asurendras). Physical attacks do no affect these blades, but Disintegrate, A Sphere of annihilation, Or a Rod of cancellation (touch AC 25) causes them to Vanish. If a spirit blade's target dies or moves beyond a 50-foot range and the Asurendra does not retarget that blade by the end of its turn, the blade vanishes. Likewise, any blades that are not within 50 feet of the Asurendra at the end of its turn also Vanish.