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An asura has the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry.
- Immunity to curses, Disease, and Poison.
- Resistance to acid 10 and electricity 10.
- +2 racial bonus on Saving Throws against Enchantment spells.
- Telepathy.
- Elusive Aura (Su) Asuras exist within reality but apart from it. All but the least of asuras exude an aura that affects all creatures within the area as if by a Nondetection spell. The size of the aura is proportional to the asura's power. The Caster Level check to attempt Divination on creatures within the aura is 15 + the spell-like ability Caster Level of the asura creating the aura.
- Regeneration (Ex) The divine spark at the core of their being allows asuras to Regenerate at varying rates. Good Weapons and spells can kill an asura.
- Spell Resistance (Ex) Most asuras are resistant to magic and have an SR equal to 11 + their CR. Only the weakest asuras lack this ability.
- Summon (Sp) Asuras share the ability to Summon others of their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of weaker asuras.
- An asura's natural Weapons, as well as any Weapons it wields, are treated as Lawful and evil for the purpose of overcoming Damage reduction.
- +6 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks and a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks.