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This immense mound of black slime thunders forward, eyes and mouths and even stranger things forming in its heaving bulk.

Although even lunatics and doom-saying prophets desperately claim the monstrous Shoggoth is nothing more than a drug-induced Vision or thankfully unreal Nightmare, the truth is altogether more dire. The shoggoths exist, although they keep to the deepest of ocean trenches or the most remote of forgotten caverns and ruins, emerging only rarely to spread madness and Destruction in their slime-caked wakes.

The first shoggoths were created in eons past, long before the first gods turned their attentions to the Material Plane. Some hold that the aboleths engineered them, while certain strange texts hint of a race even older that engineered the first shoggoths as slaves. Eventually, these dread beasts developed enough Intelligence to rebel against their creators, and now they lurk, patient but potent, in the lightless deep.

Special Abilities

All-Around Vision (Ex) A shoggoth's many sense organs grant a +4 racial bonus on Perception And Immunity to Flanking.

Maddening Cacophony (Su) As a free Action, a Shoggoth can give voice to sounds and words sane life was not meant to hear. All creatures in a 60-foot radius must make a DC 22 Will save or be confused for 1d6 rounds. Each round a Creature is affected it takes 1d6 points of Wisdom Damage . A Creature that saves cannot be affected by this shoggoth's maddening cacophony for 24 hours. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Engulf (Ex) To use this ability, the Shoggoth must begin its turn grappling a Creature or must Trample. A Shoggoth may attempt to Engulf as many creatures as it grapples or tramples in a round. This ability otherwise functions as Swallow Whole, save that a Creature that cut its way out of a Shoggoth leaves no hole in the protoplasmic creature's body.


CR 19

  • XP

  • CN Huge ooze (aquatic)
  • Init



    all-around vision, darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60 ft.;Perception +33

  • AC

    33, touch 15, flat-footed 26 (+7 Dex, +18 natural, –2 size)
  • hp

  • Fort





  • DR



    blindness, charm effects, cold, deafness, ooze traits, sonic;


    acid 20, electricity 20, fire 20;



  • Speed

    50 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 50 ft.
  • Attacks

    4 slams +30 (3d6+15 / 19–20);
  • Reach

    30 ft.
  • Special Attacks

    Constrict( 3d6+15, ); Trample( 4d8+15, DC 36); Maddening Cacophony( 1d6, DC 22); Engulf (Swallow Whole)( 4d6+22, );

  • Str











  • Base Atk





  • Feats

    Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Staggering Critical,
  • Skills

    Climb +23 Perception +33 Swim +23 ;

    Racial Modifiers

    +4 Perception
  • Languages

  • SQ


  • Environment

    cold aquatic or underground
  • Organization

    solitary or tide (2–6)
  • Treasure

  • Special Abilities

  • Amphibious (Ex)

    Creatures with this special quality have the aquatic subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land.

    All-Around Vision (Ex)

    A shoggoth's many sense organs grant a +4 racial bonus on Perception and immunity to flanking.

    Engulf (Ex)

    To use this ability, the shoggoth must begin its turn grappling a creature or must trample. A shoggoth may attempt to engulf as many creatures as it grapples or tramples in a round. This ability otherwise functions as swallow whole, save that a creature that cut its way out of a shoggoth leaves no hole in the protoplasmic creature's body.

    Scent (Ex)

    This special sense allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple the normal range. When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location. A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, attempting a Wisdom or Survival check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill.

    Tremorsense (Ex)

    The creature is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability’s range is specified in the creature’s descriptive text.

    Fast Healing (Ex)

    The creature regains hit points swiftly, usually 1 or more per round, as given in the creature’s entry. Except as noted below, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, suffocation, or thirst, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached. Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit points) until a creature dies, at which point the effects of fast healing end immediately.

    Ooze Traits (Traits)

    Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). An ooze with an Intelligence score loses this trait. Blind (but have the blindsight special quality), with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Some oozes have the ability to deal acid damage to objects. Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack. Proficient with its natural weapons only. Proficient with no armor. Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep.

    Grab (Ex)

    If the creature hits with the indicated attack, it deals the normal amount of damage and tries to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, grab works only against opponents the same size category as the creature or smaller. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its combat maneuver check to start and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each grapple combat maneuver check it succeeds at during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constrict and grapple damage (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive text). Creatures with the grab special attack receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to start and maintain a grapple.