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You compel an unconscious or sleeping Creature to rise and move in a half-awake state. The target Creature staggers about if led or guided, but remains helpless for all other purposes. The subject moves at half speed and is limited to a single move Action each round. It is not capable of moving at a higher rate of speed or taking actions other than Movement except by magical assistance, and automatically fails any Dexterity- or Strength-based Skill Checks. If the Creature takes any Damage while sleepwalking it must make a new Saving Throw or the spell ends and the Creature awakes (if it has more than 0 hit points). When the spell ends or is dismissed, the target remains unconscious and must be awoken normally. While Sleepwalk allows an unconscious Creature to move, it does not Awaken the Creature, nor does it Stabilize or otherwise heal them. A disabled Creature that moves about while under the effects of this spell does not start dying again as a result of this Movement.


Casting Time
1 round
V, S, M (a sprig of belladonna worth 100 gp)
1 hour/level (D)
Inquisitor 4, Witch 4
Saving Throw
Will negates; see text
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Spell Resistance
Unconscious creature touched
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