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Anyone can worship a deity, but those who do so devoutly should take care to pursue the faith’s edicts (behaviors the faith encourages) and avoid its anathemas (actions considered blasphemous, and could cause a god to revoke their blessings). Each deity below has their name and title, followed by a short description and cultural information, including the attributes for characters who have the Raised by Belief background. Following that are the benefits available to the most ardent devotees of the deities. You get these benefits only if you’re a cleric of the deity or some other rule specifically gives you a devotee benefit.


Abadar, Master of the First Vault, seeks to bring civilization to the wilds of the world, encourages adherence to the law, and promotes commerce and trade within civilization. He also encourages cooperation among ancestries.

Areas of Concern cities, law, merchants, and wealth
Edicts bring civilization to the frontiers, earn wealth through hard work and trade, follow the rule of law
Anathema engage in banditry or piracy, steal, undermine a law-abiding court
Divine Attribute Constitution or Intelligence

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: illusory object, 4th: creation, 7th: planar palace
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Society
Domains cities, earth, travel, wealth
Favored Weapon crossbow


Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness, delights in tempting mortals to give in to corruption. He promotes hierarchies where everyone knows their place, and he takes advantage of order for his own selfish benefit.

Areas of Concern contracts, oppression, pride, and tyranny
Edicts negotiate contracts to your best advantage, rule tyrannically and torture weaker beings, show subservience to your betters
Anathema break a contract, share power with the weak, insult Asmodeus by showing mercy to your enemies
Divine Attribute any (characters who commit themselves to Asmodeus this way have their souls bound to the Dark Prince for all eternity)

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 4th: suggestion, 6th: mislead
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Deception
Domains confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny
Favored Weapon mace


Calistria, the Savored Sting, is a mischievous and mercurial god of attraction who delights in tricking others and seeks vengeance on those who slight her. Though Calistria is most widely worshipped by elves, members of many other ancestries follow her as well.

Areas of Concern lust, revenge, and trickery
Edicts pursue your personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge
Anathema become too consumed by love or a need for revenge, let a slight go unanswered
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Charisma

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 3rd: enthrall, 6th: mislead
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Deception
Domains pain, passion, secrecy, trickery
Favored Weapon whip

Cayden Cailean

The Accidental God ascended from mortal life on a drunken dare. Cayden, the Drunken Hero, promotes freedom and encourages others to find their own path in life. He fights for just causes and delights in the best indulgences.

Areas of Concern ale, bravery, freedom, and wine
Edicts drink, aid the oppressed, seek glory and adventure
Anathema waste alcohol, be mean or standoffish when drunk, oppress the vulnerable
Divine Attribute Constitution or Charisma

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: fleet step, 2nd: stupefy, 5th: hallucination
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains cities, freedom, indulgence, might
Favored Weapon rapier


Desna set her sights on the heavens, placing stars in the sky to guide travelers through the darkness and dreamers through nightmares. The Song of Spheres delights in freedom and mystery, and encourages her followers to do the same.

Areas of Concern dreams, luck, stars, and travelers
Edicts aid fellow travelers, explore new places, express yourself through art and song, find what life has to offer
Anathema cause fear or despair, cast nightmare or use similar magic to corrupt dreams, engage in bigoted behavior
Divine Attribute Charisma or Dexterity

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: sleep, 4th: translocate, 5th: dreaming potential
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Acrobatics
Domains dreams, luck, moon, travel
Favored Weapon starknife


Long ago, Erastil was a horned god of the hunt, but his worship evolved to focus on rural communities. Old Deadeye desires nothing more than peaceful lives for his followers, calling them to arms only when that pastoral existence is threatened.

Areas of Concern family, farming, hunting, and trade
Edicts care for your home and family, fulfill your duties, keep the peace, protect the community
Anathema abandon your home in its time of need, choose yourself over your community, tarnish your reputation, tell lies
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: nature’s pathway
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Survival
Domains earth, family, nature, wealth
Favored Weapon longbow


Anyone who seeks glory on the battlefield calls out prayers to Our Lord in Iron. Gorum emphasizes might, encouraging his followers to seek out war and combat as the ultimate way to worship him.

Areas of Concern battle, strength, and weapons
Edicts attain victory in fair combat, push your limits, wear armor in combat
Anathema kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains confidence, destruction, might, zeal
Favored Weapon greatsword


A deity of two aspects, Gozreh is the sea that encapsulates the land and the wind that moves its surface. The Wind and the Waves are popular with druids and those who seek to preserve the wilds.

Areas of Concern nature, the sea, and weather
Edicts cherish, protect, and respect nature in all its forms
Anathema bring civilization to intrude on the wild, create undead, despoil areas of natural beauty
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: lightning bolt, 5th: control water
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Survival
Domains air, nature, travel, water
Favored Weapon trident


Prior to her ascension and inheritance of many of the god of humanity’s worshippers, Iomedae was a holy warrior in wars against the undead. The Inheritor upholds the values of virtue, fighting against the wicked and unjust.

Areas of Concern honor, justice, rulership, and valor
Edicts be temperate, fight for justice and honor, hold valor in your heart
Anathema abandon a companion in need, dishonor yourself, refuse a challenge from an equal
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: fire shield
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains confidence, might, truth, zeal
Favored Weapon longsword


As a mortal, Irori attained true enlightenment, allowing him to break free of the shackles of mortality and achieve divinity. As a god, he is the Master of Masters and promotes discipline and teaches that one who can master themself finds the greatest benefits the world can provide.

Areas of Concern history, knowledge, and self-perfection
Edicts be humble; help others perfect themselves; hone your body, mind, and spirit to a more perfect state; practice discipline
Anathema engage in overly unhealthy or self-destructive behaviors, destroy an important historical text, repeatedly fail to maintain self-control
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: jump, 3rd: haste, 4th: mountain resilience
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains knowledge, might, perfection, truth
Favored Weapon fist


Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters, revels in corruption of the pure. The physical changes and nightmares left by her interventions are treated as gifts by her followers and unwelcome terrors by the outside world. There are some that find respite or even a family among Lamashtu’s followers due to the faith’s greater acceptance of differences.

Areas of Concern aberrance, monsters, and nightmares
Edicts bring power to outcasts and the downtrodden, indoctrinate others in Lamashtu’s teachings, make the beautiful monstrous, reveal the corruption and flaws in all things
Anathema attempt to change that which makes you different, provide succor to Lamashtu’s enemies
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: spider sting, 2nd: animal form, 4th: nightmare
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Survival
Domains family, might, nightmares, trickery
Favored Weapon falchion


Once a mortal master of magic, Nethys sought to unlock all the secrets of the planes, ascending to godhood as his mind truly understood the entire potential of magic. The All-Seeing Eye is a dualistic god, teaching both the destructive and protective potential of magic.

Areas of Concern magic
Edicts seek out magical power and use it
Anathema pursue mundane paths over magical ones
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: force barrage, 2nd: embed message, 3rd: levitate, 4th: flicker, 5th: telekinetic haul, 6th: wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th: quandary, 9th: detonate magic
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Arcana
Domains destruction, knowledge, magic, protection
Favored Weapon staff


This shadowy figure is worshipped in four aspects: Blackfingers, ally of alchemists and poisoners; the murderous Father Skinsaw; the thieving Gray Master; and the secretive Reaper of Reputation.

Areas of Concern greed, murder, poison, and secrets
Edicts keep your true identity secret, sacrifice anyone necessary, take every advantage in a fight, work from the shadows
Anathema allow your true identity to be connected to your foul dealings, share a secret freely, show mercy
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Intelligence

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 4th: vision of death
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Stealth
Domains death, secrecy, trickery, wealth
Favored Weapon shortsword


Ancient and powerful beyond even most other gods, Pharasma judges the souls of all who perish from her throne in the Boneyard. Through these judgments, the Lady of Graves ensures that the natural cycle of birth and death—the River of Souls—is not disrupted.

Areas of Concern birth, death, fate, prophecy, and time
Edicts strive to understand ancient prophecies, destroy undead, lay bodies to rest
Anathema create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: vision of death
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Medicine
Domains death, fate, healing, knowledge
Favored Weapon dagger


Rovagug, the Rough Beast, was long ago imprisoned within Golarion’s core at the hands of many other deities working in concert, and he seeks to one day break free and wreak havoc upon the world. He is served by his spawn and those who seek the ultimate destruction of all things.

Areas of Concern destruction, disaster, and wrath
Edicts destroy all things, free Rovagug from his prison
Anathema create something new, let material ties restrain you, torture a victim or otherwise delay its destruction
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: breathe fire, 2nd: enlarge, 6th: disintegrate
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains air, destruction, earth, zeal
Favored Weapon greataxe


Once a powerful angel and empyreal lord, Sarenrae led the charge to imprison Rovagug. The Dawnflower seeks to redeem evil where possible, burn it away with the fire of the sun when it can’t be redeemed, and restore those harmed by evil’s machinations.

Areas of Concern healing, honest redemption, and the sun
Edicts destroy the Spawn of Rovagug, protect allies, provide aid to the sick and wounded, seek and allow redemption
Anathema create undead, lie, deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, fail to strike down evil
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: breathe fire, 3rd: fireball, 4th: wall of fire
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Medicine
Domains fire, healing, sun, truth
Favored Weapon scimitar


Shelyn, the Eternal Rose, promotes peace and love, and she encourages her followers to create beauty in a sometimes-dark world. She seeks to one day redeem her corrupted brother, Zon-Kuthon.

Areas of Concern art, beauty, love, and music
Edicts be peaceful, choose and perfect an art, lead by example, see the beauty in all things
Anathema destroy art or allow it to be destroyed, unless saving a life or pursuing greater art; refuse to accept surrender
Divine Attribute Wisdom or Charisma

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: dizzying colors, 3rd: enthrall, 4th: creation
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill select Crafting or Performance
Domains creation, family, passion, protection
Favored Weapon glaive


Although revered by many dwarves as the Father of Creation, Torag strives to protect every community where he is worshipped and is also followed by those who treasure crafting and creation.

Areas of Concern forge, protection, and strategy
Edicts be honorable and forthright, keep your word, respect the forge, serve your people
Anathema tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show continued mercy to the enemies of your people when such enemies prove they are undeserving
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: earthbind, 4th: creation
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Crafting
Domains creation, earth, family, protection
Favored Weapon warhammer


So infatuated with the pleasures of the living world, Urgathoa escaped the clutches of death and the afterlife, becoming the first undead. The Pallid Princess now revels in the sharing of her hedonistic ways and spreading undeath.

Areas of Concern disease, gluttony, and undeath
Edicts become undead upon death, create or protect the undead, sate your appetites
Anathema deny your appetites, destroy undead, sacrifice your life
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: false vitality, 7th: mask of terror
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains indulgence, magic, might, undeath
Favored Weapon scythe


Once a god of art, beauty, and music, like Shelyn, the Midnight Lord returned from a sojourn in the dark spaces between the planes horribly changed. Zon-Kuthon now teaches the pleasures of pain and darkness.

Areas of Concern darkness, envy, loss, and pain
Edicts bring pain to the world, mutilate your body
Anathema create permanent or long-lasting sources of light, provide comfort to those who suffer
Divine Attributes Constitution or Wisdom

Devotee Benefits

Cleric Spells 1st: phantom pain, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: umbral journey
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains ambition, darkness, destruction, pain
Favored Weapon spiked chain

Domain  Description
You can control winds and the weather.
You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition.
You have powers over urban environments and denizens.
You overcome your fear and project pride.
You have divine abilities related to crafting and art.
You operate in the darkness and take away the light.
You have the power to end lives and destroy undead.
You are a conduit for divine devastation.
You have the power to enter and manipulate dreams.
You control soil and stone.
You aid and protect your family and community more effectively.
You see and understand hidden inevitabilities.
You control flame.
You liberate yourself and others from shackles and constraints.
Your healing magic is particularly potent.
You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging.
You receive divine insights.
You’re unnaturally lucky and keep out of harm’s way.
You perform the unexpected and inexplicable.
Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength.
You command powers associated with the moon.
You hold power over animals and plants.
You fill minds with horror and dread.
You punish those who displease you with the sharp sting of pain.
You evoke passion, whether as love or lust.
You strive to perfect your mind, body, and spirit.
You ward yourself and others.
You protect secrets and keep them hidden.
You harness the power of the sun and other light sources, and punish undead.
You have power over movement and journeys.
You deceive others and cause mischief.
You pierce lies and discover the truth.
You wield power to rule and control others.
Your magic carries close ties to the undead.
You control water and bodies of water.
You hold power over wealth, trade, and treasure.
Your inner fire increases your combat prowess.


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