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Divine Spells (Legacy)
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These lists include the spells for each tradition, including cantrips. A superscript “H” indicates a spell has extra effects when heightened, and a spell whose rarity is greater than common has a superscript with the first letter of that rarity. An abbreviation in parentheses indicates a spell 's school.
Chill Touch H (nec): Your touch hurts the living or disorients undead.Daze H (enc): Damage a creature 's mind and possibly stun it.
Detect Magic H (div): Sense whether magic is nearby.
Disrupt Undead H (nec): Damage undead with positive energy.
Divine Lance H (evo): Throw divine energy that damages based on your deity 's alignment.
Forbidding Ward H (abj): Protect an ally against one specific enemy.
Guidance (div): Divine guidance improves one roll.
Know Direction H (div): Find true north.
Light H (evo): Make an object glow.
Message H (ill): Speak a message to a distant creature, who can reply.
Prestidigitation (evo): Perform a minor magical trick.
Read Aura H (div): Detect if an object is magical, and determine the school of its magic.
Shield H (abj): A shield of magical force blocks attacks and magic missiles.
Sigil H (tra): Leave a magical mark.
Stabilize (nec): Stabilize a dying creature.
1st-Level Spells
Air Bubble (con): React to create air for a creature to breathe.Alarm H (abj): Be alerted if a creature enters a warded area.
Bane (enc): Weaken enemies ' attacks in an aura around you.
Bless (enc): Strengthen allies ' attacks in an aura around you.
Command H (enc): Bid a creature to approach, run, release something, lie prone, or stand up.
Create Water (con): Conjure 2 gallons of water.
Detect Alignment U, H (div): See auras of a chosen alignment.
Detect Poison U, H (div): Determine whether an object or creature is poisonous or venomous.
Disrupting Weapons H (nec): Weapons deal positive damage to undead.
Fear H (enc): Frighten a creature, possibly making it flee.
Harm H (nec): Negative energy harms the living or heals the undead, either a single creature or all in a burst.
Heal H (nec): Positive energy heals the living or harms the undead, either a single creature or all in a burst.
Lock H (abj): Make a lock hard to open.
Magic Weapon (tra): Make a weapon temporarily magical.
Mending H (tra): Repair one non-magical item.
Protection U (abj): Shield a creature against those of a chosen alignment.
Purify Food And Drink (nec): Make beverages and meals safe.
Ray of Enfeeblement (nec): Sap a creature 's strength.
Sanctuary (abj): Protect a creature from being attacked.
Spirit Link H (nec): Continually transfer your health to someone else.
Ventriloquism H (ill): Throw your voice.
2nd-Level Spells
Augury (div): Predict whether a course of action brings good fortune.Calm Emotions (enc): Suppress strong emotions and hostility.
Comprehend Language H (div): A creature understands one language.
Continual Flame H (evo): A magical flame burns indefinitely.
Create Food H (con): Conjure food that can feed multiple creatures.
Darkness H (evo): Suppress all light in an area.
Darkvision H (div): See in the dark.
Deafness (nec): Make a creature deaf.
Death Knell (nec): Finish off a creature who 's near death.
Dispel Magic (abj): End a spell or suppress an item 's magic.
Endure Elements H (abj): Protect a creature from severe cold or heat.
Enhance Victuals H (tra): Improve food or drink and remove poisons.
Faerie Fire (evo): Colorful light prevents creatures from being concealed or invisible.
Gentle Repose H (nec): A corpse doesn 't decay and can 't become undead.
Ghoulish Cravings (nec): Infect a creature with ghoul fever.
Remove Fear H (enc): Free a creature from its fright.
Remove Paralysis H (nec): Free a creature from paralysis.
Resist Energy H (abj): Protect a creature from one type of energy damage.
Restoration H (nec): Reduce a condition or lessen a toxin.
Restore Senses H (nec): Remove a blinding or deafening effect.
See Invisibility H (div): See invisible creatures and objects.
Shield Other (nec): Absorb half the damage an ally would take.
Silence H (ill): Mute all sound from a creature.
Sound Burst H (evo): Damage and deafen creatures with a powerful din.
Spiritual Weapon H (evo): Materialize a deific weapon of force that appears and attacks repeatedly.
Status H (div): Keep track of a willing creature 's location and well-being.
Undetectable Alignment U (abj): Make a creature or object appear neutral to alignment detection.
Water Breathing H (tra): Allow creatures to breathe underwater.
Water Walk H (tra): Buoy a creature so it can walk on water.
3rd-Level Spells
Bind Undead (nec): Take control of a mindless undead.Blindness (nec): Strike a target blind.
Chilling Darkness H (evo): Ray of evil darkness deals cold damage, counteracts light, and harms celestials.
Circle of Protection U, H (abj): A creature emits an aura that protects those within against an alignment.
Crisis of Faith H (enc): Cause mental damage and possibly make a worshipper unable to cast spells.
Dream Message H (enc): Send a message that arrives in a dream.
Glyph of Warding (abj): Store a spell in a symbol to make a trap.
Heroism H (enc): Stoke a creature 's inner heroism to make it more competent.
Locate U, H (div): Learn the direction to an object.
Neutralize Poison (nec): Cure a poison afflicting a creature.
Remove Disease (nec): Cure a disease afflicting a creature.
Sanctified Ground (abj): Create a 24-hour area of protection against aberrations, celestials, dragons, fiends, or undead.
Searing Light H (evo): A ray of burning light deals extra damage to undead and counteracts darkness.
Vampiric Touch H (nec): Deal negative damage and gain temporary HP with a touch.
Wanderer 's Guide (div): Find an ideal route to a location.
Zone of Truth U (enc): Compel creatures to tell the truth.