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Collapse Points

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Collapse Points are an extra way the GM can make enemies more powerful and represent the universe itself collapsing around the player characters.

At the start of every Combat encounter, the GM has 2 Collapse Points. The GM can choose to gain 1 Collapse point every time a player character fails a skill roll in lieu of enforcing a normal consequence for failure. Player characters must be very careful about how far they push themselves and how often they risk taking extra actions on their turn, as failures are the only way that the GM gains more Collapse Points.

The GM can spend Collapse Points in the following ways:

  • Activate a monster’s special ability. Some enemy NPCs have Special Abilities or Attacks that can only be activated by the GM spending Collapse Points. These abilities describe what effect they have and how many Collapse Points need to be spent to active them.
  • Declare an extra attack. By spending 1 Collapse Point, the GM can declare an extra attack from one enemy creature. The GM can use this ability during Phase 1 or Phase 2 of Combat. If the GM is using this ability in Phase 2, there must be at least one player character who has yet to finish their turn. If all players have already taken their turns, the GM cannot add an extra attack using Collapse Points until the next Combat round.

The GM loses all unspent Collapse Points at the end of an encounter.

Tracking Collapse Points

You can add a custom item in the Roll20 Turn Tracker to keep track of Collapse Points.


When a player character fails a skill roll, the GM can decide to add a consequence instead of gaining a Collapse point. If the GM decides to add a consequence, they can use the built-in Failure Consequences table on Roll20 or choose one themselves as described in “Skills.”

Example: After Furo makes a Ranged skill roll to attack with his Laser Rifle and fails, the GM rolls on the consequence table and it results in “something breaks.” The GM interprets this to mean Furo’s Laser Rifle has broken.


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