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To determine your character’s ability scores:

  • First generate a set of six numbers using the instructions below.

  • Assign those six numbers to your six abilities.

Chapter 1 explains what each ability means.

Generate Your Scores

Standard Array
Use the following six scores for your abilities: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
Random Generation
Roll four d6s and record the total of the highest three dice. Do this five more times, so you have six numbers.
Point Cost
You have 27 points to spend on your ability scores. The cost of each score is shown on the Ability Score Point Costs table. For example, a score of 14 costs 7 of your 27 points.

Determine your ability scores by using one of the following three methods. Your DM might prefer you to use a particular one.

Ability Score Point Costs
Score   Cost
8 0
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 7
15 9

Assign Ability Scores

Once you’ve generated six scores, assign them to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, keeping in mind your class’s primary ability. Fill in the ability modifiers as well.

If you’re using the Standard Array option, consult the Standard Array by Class table for suggestions on where to assign scores for your character’s class. The table puts the highest scores in a class’s main abilities. If you used a different method to generate the scores, you may still use this table to guide where you place your highest and lowest scores.

Standard Array by Class
Class   Str.   Dex.   Con.   Int.   Wis.   Cha.
Barbarian 15 13 14 10 12 8
Bard 8 14 12 13 10 15
Cleric 14 8 13 10 15 12
Druid 8 12 14 13 15 10
Fighter 15 14 13 8 10 12
Monk 12 15 13 10 14 8
Paladin 15 10 13 8 12 14
Ranger 12 15 13 8 14 10
Rogue 12 15 13 14 10 8
Sorcerer 10 13 14 8 12 15
Warlock 8 14 13 12 10 15
Wizard 8 12 13 15 14 10

Adjust Ability Scores

After assigning your ability scores, adjust them according to your background. Your background lists three abilities; increase one of those scores by 2 and a different one by 1, or increase all three by 1. None of these increases can raise a score above 20.

Some players like to increase their class’s primary ability, while others prefer to increase a low score.

Backgrounds and Species from Older Books

Backgrounds in older D&D books don’t include ability score adjustments. If you’re using a background from an older book, adjust your ability scores by increasing one score by 2 and a different one by 1, or increase three scores by 1. None of these increases can raise a score above 20.

Similarly, species in older books include ability score increases. If you’re using a species from an older book, ignore those increases and use only the ones given by your background.

Also, if the background you choose doesn’t provide a feat, you gain an Origin feat of your choice.

Determine Ability Modifiers

Finally, determine your ability modifiers using the Ability Scores and Modifiers table. Write the modifier next to each of your scores.

Ability Scores and Modifiers
Score   Modifier
3 −4
4–5 −3
6–7 –2
8–9 –1
10–11 +0
12–13 +1
14–15 +2
16–17 +3
18–19 +4
20 +5

Describe Appearance and Personality

Ability scores are an essential part of the rules, but they can be more than that. Once you’ve assigned your ability scores, give some thought to what those scores might say about your character’s appearance and personality. A very strong character with low Charisma might look and behave differently from a charismatic character with low Strength. The following tables of descriptive words give suggestions of how you might describe your character based on having a high or low score in an ability.

Note your character’s appearance and personality on your character sheet.


Strength Appearance
1d4   High Str.
1 Muscular
2 Sinewy
3 Protective
4 Direct
Strength Personality
1d4   Low Str.
1 Weak
2 Slight
3 Self-conscious
4 Indirect


Dexterity Appearance
1d4   High Dex.
1 Lithe
2 Dynamic
3 Fidgety
4 Poised
Dexterity Personality
1d4   Low Dex.
1 Jittery
2 Clumsy
3 Hesitant
4 Unsteady


Constitution Appearance
1d4   High Con.
1 Energetic
2 Hale
3 Hearty
4 Stable
Constitution Personality
1d4   Low Con.
1 Frail
2 Squeamish
3 Lethargic
4 Fragile


Intelligence Appearance
1d4   High Int.
1 Decisive
2 Logical
3 Informative
4 Curious
Intelligence Personality
1d4   Low Int.
1 Artless
2 Illogical
3 Uninformed
4 Frivolous


Wisdom Appearance
1d4   High Wis.
1 Serene
2 Considerate
3 Attentive
4 Wary
Wisdom Personality
1d4   Low Wis.
1 Rash
2 Distracted
3 Oblivious
4 Naive


Charisma Appearance
1d4   High Cha.
1 Charming
2 Commanding
3 Hilarious
4 Inspiring
Charisma Personality
1d4   Low Cha.
1 Pedantic
2 Humorless
3 Reserved
4 Tactless
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