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Adventuring Gear

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While adventurers rely on Weapons and armor to live through Combat encounters, the rest of their Equipment is just as important for surviving the perilous life they choose in Olaxis. If an object requires an action to use, player characters must make a skill roll during Combat to gain the benefit of the item.

Adventuring Gear Costs
Item   Price
Common Binding Net 500
Enhanced Binding Net 1,000
Master Binding Net 2,000
Unbreakable Binding Net 5,000
Climbing Gloves 500
Communication Badge 500
Common Disguise Badge 2,500
Face-Changing Disguise Badge 5,000
Far Goggles 500
Advanced Far Goggles 1,500
Gill Pill 500
Headlamp 200
Lock Pick 200
Mechanic's Tools 1,000
Med Kit 200
Pack 50
Portable Shelter 3,000
Quickbandage 100
Slicer Kit 1,000
Smart Slab 500
Torch Rod 50


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