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Standard Animal

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Olaxis has diverse fauna. While many specific animals are detailed in the game and its Adventures, this entry provides basic statistics you can use to create animals on the fly. In addition to the base statistics for each animal, you can add the following Special Abilities to further customize an animal:

  • Amphibious The animal can breathe both air and water and can swim at normal speed.
  • Aquatic The animal breathes water and can swim at normal speed.
  • Climber The animal can climb any climbable surface at normal speed.
  • Darksight The animal can see in the dark for 12 squares.
  • Fast The animal has a speed of 10 squares.
  • Flyer The animal can fly. All of its Movement actions ignore terrain effects.
  • Skill Bump (Perception) The die size of the animal’s Perception skill is d12.
  • Space Survivor The animal can Survive in space and doesn't need to breathe. During ship Combat the animal’s speed is 1 zone.
  • Venomous (Minor) When the animal damages another creature with an attack, the target also gains a minor negative condition that affects a Physical skill.
  • Venomous (Moderate) When the animal damages another creature with an attack, the target also gains a moderate negative condition that affects Physical Skills.
  • Venomous (Significant) When the animal damages another creature with an attack, the target also gains a significant negative condition.


[{"Ability":"Multiattack", "Description":"The animal can attack twice a round."}]
[{"Hit":"Target takes 1 damage.", "Type":"Physical", "Range":"melee", "Attack":"Bite, Claw, Ram, or Sting"}]
challenge level
1 or 2
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