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Panlinh System

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The Panlinh System contains the plasma ocean world of Panlinh V, the home moon of the ki, a group of Aquatic humanoids with innate magical abilities. They’ve given control of the resources to the Senchal Overguild, who surround the planet with an army. None yet dare take on this force, but as plasma elsewhere runs dry, it’s a matter of time.



Selective cultures only allow visitors and immigrants from specific places. Such a Culture does not allow others from places deemed dangerous, but may make an exception with heavy vetting.

Bonus: If you come from a Selective Culture, increase the dice sizes of one of your Mental Skills to a d12, one of your Social Skills to a d10, any other skill to a d10, any two Skills you want to a d8, and any three other Skills to a d6.

Population Density


Suburban cultures are not as crowded as urban ones, but still pack people in close enough together to form tight-knit communities.

Bonus: If you come from a Suburban Culture, you gain an additional 5000 Argent to buy your starting Equipment.



Partitioned cultures consist of at least two different Species living in close proximity but rarely interacting with one another. They are generally confined to their own neighborhoods. One Species may hold all or most of the power in the Culture.

Bonus: If you come from a Partitioned Culture, you gain one special ability and two Nova Abilities from your Species. In addition, you can increase the dice sizes of three of your Skills to a d6.

Economic Status


Intermediate cultures have enough economic opportunity for most people to make a living, but most are not fabulously Wealthy either. Intermediate cultures can be found on the outskirts of the Heartworlds and in the Midbelt.

Bonus: If you come from an Intermediate Culture, you gain 5,000 Argent to buy your starting Equipment. In addition, increase the dice sized of two of your Skills by 1.


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