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Free Basic Rules (2024)

Core Warlock Traits

Primary Ability
Hit Point Die
D8 per Warlock level
Saving Throw Proficiencies
Wisdom and Charisma
Skill Proficiencies
Choose 2: Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, or Religion
Weapon Proficiencies
Simple weapons
Armor Training
Light armor
Starting Equipment
Choose A or B: (A) Leather Armor, Sickle, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (orb), Book (occult lore), Scholar’s Pack, and 15 GP; or (B) 100 GP

Warlocks quest for knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. They often begin their search for magical power by delving into tomes of forbidden lore, dabbling in invocations meant to attract the power of extraplanar beings, or seeking places of power where the influence of these beings can be felt. In no time, each Warlock is drawn into a binding pact with a powerful patron. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as angels, archfey, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, Warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power.

Warlocks view their patrons as resources, as means to the end of achieving magical power. Some Warlocks respect, revere, or even love their patrons; some serve their patrons grudgingly; and some seek to undermine their patrons even as they wield the power their patrons have given them.

Once a pact is made, a Warlock’s thirst for knowledge and power can’t be slaked with mere study. Most Warlocks spend their days pursuing greater power and deeper knowledge, which typically means some kind of adventure.

Becoming a Warlock …

As a Level 1 Character

  • Gain all the traits in the Core Warlock Traits table.
  • Gain the Warlock’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Warlock Features table.

As a Multiclass Character

  • Gain the following traits from the Core Warlock Traits table: Hit Point Die and training with Light armor.
  • Gain the Warlock’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Warlock Features table. See the multiclassing rules in chapter 2 to determine your available spell slots.

Warlock Class Features

As a Warlock, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Warlock levels. These features are listed in the Warlock Features table.

Warlock Features
Warlock Class Features
Level   Proficiency Bonus   Class Features   Eldritch Invocations   Cantrips   Prepared Spells   Spell Slots   Slot Level
1 +2 Eldritch Invocations, Pact Magic 1 2 2 1 1
2 +2 Magical Cunning 3 2 3 2 1
3 +2 Warlock Subclass 3 2 4 2 2
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 5 2 2
5 +3 5 3 6 2 3
6 +3 Subclass feature 5 3 7 2 3
7 +3 6 3 8 2 4
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 9 2 4
9 +4 Contact Patron 7 3 10 2 5
10 +4 Subclass feature 7 4 10 2 5
11 +4 Mystic Arcanum (level 6 spell) 7 4 11 3 5
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 11 3 5
13 +5 Mystic Arcanum (level 7 spell) 8 4 12 3 5
14 +5 Subclass feature 8 4 12 3 5
15 +5 Mystic Arcanum (level 8 spell) 9 4 13 3 5
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 13 3 5
17 +6 Mystic Arcanum (level 9 spell) 9 4 14 4 5
18 +6 10 4 14 4 5
19 +6 Epic Boon 10 4 15 4 5
20 +6 Eldritch Master 10 4 15 4 5

Level 1: Eldritch Invocations

You have unearthed Eldritch Invocations, pieces of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability or other lessons. You gain one invocation of your choice, such as Pact of the Tome. Invocations are described in the “Eldritch Invocation Options” section later in this class’s description.

Prerequisites. If an invocation has a prerequisite, you must meet it to learn that invocation. For example, if an invocation requires you to be a level 5+ Warlock, you can select the invocation once you reach Warlock level 5.

Replacing and Gaining Invocations. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your invocations with another one for which you qualify. You can’t replace an invocation if it’s a prerequisite for another invocation that you have.

When you gain certain Warlock levels, you gain more invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations column of the Warlock Features table.

You can’t pick the same invocation more than once unless its description says otherwise.

Level 1: Pact Magic

Through occult ceremony, you have formed a pact with a mysterious entity to gain magical powers. The entity is a voice in the shadows—its identity unclear—but its boon to you is concrete: the ability to cast spells. See chapter 7 for the rules on spellcasting. The information below details how you use those rules with Warlock spells, which appear in the Warlock spell list later in the class’s description.

Cantrips. You know two Warlock cantrips of your choice. Eldritch Blast and Prestidigitation are recommended. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your cantrips from this feature with another Warlock cantrip of your choice.

When you reach Warlock levels 4 and 10, you learn another Warlock cantrip of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips column of the Warlock Features table.

Spell Slots. The Warlock Features table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Warlock spells of levels 1–5. The table also shows the level of those slots, all of which are the same level. You regain all expended Pact Magic spell slots when you finish a Short or Long Rest.

For example, when you’re a level 5 Warlock, you have two level 3 spell slots. To cast the level 1 spell Witch Bolt, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a level 3 spell.

Prepared Spells of Level 1+. You prepare the list of level 1+ spells that are available for you to cast with this feature. To start, choose two level 1 Warlock spells. Charm Person and Hex are recommended.

The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Warlock levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Warlock Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Warlock spells until the number of spells on your list matches the number in the table. The chosen spells must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. When you reach level 6, for example, you learn a new Warlock spell, which can be of levels 1–3.

If another Warlock feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Warlock spells for you.

Changing Your Prepared Spells. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one spell on your list with another Warlock spell of an eligible level.

Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for your Warlock spells.

Spellcasting Focus. You can use an Arcane Focus as a Spellcasting Focus for your Warlock spells.

Level 2: Magical Cunning

You can perform an esoteric rite for 1 minute. At the end of it, you regain expended Pact Magic spell slots but no more than a number equal to half your maximum (round up). Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 3: Warlock Subclass

You gain a Warlock subclass of your choice. The Archfey Patron, Celestial Patron, Fiend Patron, and Great Old One Patron subclasses are detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Warlock levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Warlock level or lower.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Warlock levels 8, 12, and 16.

Level 9: Contact Patron

In the past, you usually contacted your patron through intermediaries. Now you can communicate directly; you always have the Contact Other Plane spell prepared. With this feature, you can cast the spell without expending a spell slot to contact your patron, and you automatically succeed on the spell’s saving throw.

Once you cast the spell with this feature, you can’t do so in this way again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 11: Mystic Arcanum

Your patron grants you a magical secret called an arcanum. Choose one level 6 Warlock spell as this arcanum.

You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot, and you must finish a Long Rest before you can cast it in this way again.

As shown in the Warlock Features table, you gain another Warlock spell of your choice that can be cast in this way when you reach Warlock levels 13 (level 7 spell), 15 (level 8 spell), and 17 (level 9 spell). You regain all uses of your Mystic Arcanum when you finish a Long Rest.

Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your arcanum spells with another Warlock spell of the same level.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of Fate is recommended.

Level 20: Eldritch Master

When you use your Magical Cunning feature, you regain all your expended Pact Magic spell slots.

Eldritch Invocation Options

Eldritch Invocation options appear in alphabetical order.

Agonizing Blast

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock, a Warlock Cantrip That Deals Damage

Choose one of your known Warlock cantrips that deals damage. You can add your Charisma modifier to that spell’s damage rolls.

Repeatable. You can gain this invocation more than once. Each time you do so, choose a different eligible cantrip.

Armor of Shadows

You can cast Mage Armor on yourself without expending a spell slot.

Ascendant Step

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You can cast Levitate on yourself without expending a spell slot.

Devil’s Sight

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You can see normally in Dim Light and Darkness—both magical and nonmagical—within 120 feet of yourself.

Devouring Blade

Prerequisite: Level 12+ Warlock, Thirsting Blade Invocation

The Extra Attack of your Thirsting Blade invocation confers two extra attacks rather than one.

Eldritch Mind

You have Advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain Concentration.

Eldritch Smite

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock, Pact of the Blade Invocation

Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a Pact Magic spell slot to deal an extra 1d8 Force damage to the target, plus another 1d8 per level of the spell slot, and you can give the target the Prone condition if it is Huge or smaller.

Eldritch Spear

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock, a Warlock Cantrip That Deals Damage

Choose one of your known Warlock cantrips that deals damage and has a range of 10+ feet. When you cast that spell, its range increases by a number of feet equal to 30 times your Warlock level.

Repeatable. You can gain this invocation more than once. Each time you do so, choose a different eligible cantrip.

Fiendish Vigor

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You can cast False Life on yourself without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell with this feature, you don’t roll the die for the Temporary Hit Points; you automatically get the highest number on the die.

Gaze of Two Minds

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You can use a Bonus Action to touch a willing creature and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can take a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. The connection ends if you don’t maintain it in this way.

While perceiving through the other creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you can cast spells as if you were in your space or the other creature’s space if the two of you are within 60 feet of each other.

Gift of the Depths

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You can breathe underwater, and you gain a Swim Speed equal to your Speed.

You can also cast Water Breathing once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way again when you finish a Long Rest.

Gift of the Protectors

Prerequisite: Level 9+ Warlock, Pact of the Tome Invocation

A new page appears in your Book of Shadows when you conjure it. With your permission, a creature can take an action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one name).

When any creature whose name is on the page is reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, the creature magically drops to 1 Hit Point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no creature can benefit from it until you finish a Long Rest.

As a Magic action, you can erase a name on the page by touching it.

Investment of the Chain Master

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock, Pact of the Chain Invocation

When you cast Find Familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the creature the following benefits.

Aerial or Aquatic. The familiar gains either a Fly Speed or a Swim Speed (your choice) of 40 feet.

Quick Attack. As a Bonus Action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack action.

Necrotic or Radiant Damage. Whenever the familiar deals Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage, you can make it deal Necrotic or Radiant damage instead.

Your Save DC. If the familiar forces a creature to make a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.

Resistance. When the familiar takes damage, you can take a Reaction to grant it Resistance against that damage.

Lessons of the First Ones

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You have received knowledge from an elder entity of the multiverse, allowing you to gain one Origin feat of your choice (see chapter 5).

Repeatable. You can gain this invocation more than once. Each time you do so, choose a different Origin feat.


Prerequisite: Level 9+ Warlock, Pact of the Blade Invocation

Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can deal an extra 1d6 Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant damage (your choice) to the creature, and you can expend one of your Hit Point Dice to roll it and regain a number of Hit Points equal to the roll plus your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 Hit Point).

Mask of Many Faces

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You can cast Disguise Self without expending a spell slot.

Master of Myriad Forms

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

You can cast Alter Self without expending a spell slot.

Misty Visions

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You can cast Silent Image without expending a spell slot.

One with Shadows

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock

While you’re in an area of Dim Light or Darkness, you can cast Invisibility on yourself without expending a spell slot.

Otherworldly Leap

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock

You can cast Jump on yourself without expending a spell slot.

Pact of the Blade

As a Bonus Action, you can conjure a pact weapon in your hand—a Simple or Martial Melee weapon of your choice with which you bond—or create a bond with a magic weapon you touch; you can’t bond with a magic weapon if someone else is attuned to it or another Warlock is bonded with it. Until the bond ends, you have proficiency with the weapon, and you can use it as a Spellcasting Focus.

Whenever you attack with the bonded weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier for the attack and damage rolls instead of using Strength or Dexterity; and you can cause the weapon to deal Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant damage or its normal damage type.

Your bond with the weapon ends if you use this feature’s Bonus Action again, if the weapon is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more, or if you die. A conjured weapon disappears when the bond ends.

Pact of the Chain

You learn the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a Magic action without expending a spell slot.

When you cast the spell, you choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: ImpPseudodragonQuasitSkeletonSlaad TadpoleSphinx of WonderSprite, or Venomous Snake (see appendix B for the familiar’s stat block).

Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack of its own with its Reaction.

Pact of the Tome

Stitching together strands of shadow, you conjure forth a book in your hand at the end of a Short or Long Rest. This Book of Shadows (you determine its appearance) contains eldritch magic that only you can access, granting you the benefits below. The book disappears if you conjure another book with this feature or if you die.

Cantrips and Rituals. When the book appears, choose three cantrips, and choose two level 1 spells that have the Ritual tag. The spells can be from any class’s spell list, and they must be spells you don’t already have prepared. While the book is on your person, you have the chosen spells prepared, and they function as Warlock spells for you.

Spellcasting Focus. You can use the book as a Spellcasting Focus.

Repelling Blast

Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock, a Warlock Cantrip That Deals Damage via an Attack Roll

Choose one of your known Warlock cantrips that requires an attack roll. When you hit a Large or smaller creature with that cantrip, you can push the creature up to 10 feet straight away from you.

Repeatable. You can gain this invocation more than once. Each time you do so, choose a different eligible cantrip.

Thirsting Blade

Prerequisite: Level 5+ Warlock, Pact of the Blade Invocation

You gain the Extra Attack feature for your pact weapon only. With that feature, you can attack twice with the weapon instead of once when you take the Attack action on your turn.

Visions of Distant Realms

Prerequisite: Level 9+ Warlock

You can cast Arcane Eye without expending a spell slot.

Whispers of the Grave

Prerequisite: Level 7+ Warlock

You can cast Speak with Dead without expending a spell slot.

Witch Sight

Prerequisite: Level 15+ Warlock

You have Truesight with a range of 30 feet.

Warlock Spell List

This section presents the Warlock spell list. The spells are organized by spell level and then alphabetized, and each spell’s school of magic is listed. In the Special column, C means the spell requires Concentration, R means it’s a Ritual, and M means it requires a specific Material component.

Cantrips (Level 0 Warlock Spells)
Spell   School   Special
Blade Ward Abjuration C
Chill Touch Necromancy
Eldritch Blast Evocation
Friends Enchantment C
Mage Hand Conjuration
Mind Sliver Enchantment
Minor Illusion Illusion
Poison Spray Necromancy
Prestidigitation Transmutation
Thunderclap Evocation
Toll the Dead Necromancy
True Strike Divination
Level 1 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Armor of Agathys Abjuration
Arms of Hadar Conjuration
Bane Enchantment C
Charm Person Enchantment
Comprehend Languages Divination R
Detect Magic Divination C, R
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation C
Hellish Rebuke Evocation
Hex Enchantment C
Illusory Script Illusion R, M
Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration C, M
Speak with Animals Divination R
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter Enchantment C
Unseen Servant Conjuration R
Witch Bolt Evocation C
Level 2 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Cloud of Daggers Conjuration C
Crown of Madness Enchantment C
Darkness Evocation C
Enthrall Enchantment C
Hold Person Enchantment C
Invisibility Illusion C
Mind Spike Divination C
Mirror Image Illusion
Misty Step Conjuration
Ray of Enfeeblement Necromancy C
Spider Climb Transmutation C
Suggestion Enchantment C
Level 3 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Counterspell Abjuration
Dispel Magic Abjuration
Fear Illusion C
Fly Transmutation C
Gaseous Form Transmutation C
Hunger of Hadar Conjuration C
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion C
Magic Circle Abjuration M
Major Image Illusion C
Remove Curse Abjuration
Summon Fey Conjuration C, M
Summon Undead Necromancy C, M
Tongues Divination
Vampiric Touch Necromancy C
Level 4 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Banishment Abjuration C
Blight Necromancy
Charm Monster Enchantment
Dimension Door Conjuration
Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion
Summon Aberration Conjuration C, M
Level 5 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Contact Other Plane Divination R
Dream Illusion
Hold Monster Enchantment C
Jallarzi’s Storm of Radiance Evocation C
Mislead Illusion C
Planar Binding Abjuration M
Scrying Divination C, M
Synaptic Static Enchantment
Teleportation Circle Conjuration M
Level 6 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Arcane Gate Conjuration C
Circle of Death Necromancy M
Create Undead Necromancy M
Eyebite Necromancy C
Summon Fiend Conjuration C, M
Tasha’s Bubbling Cauldron Conjuration M
True Seeing Divination M
Level 7 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Etherealness Conjuration
Finger of Death Necromancy
Forcecage Evocation C, M
Plane Shift Conjuration M
Level 8 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Befuddlement Enchantment
Demiplane Conjuration
Dominate Monster Enchantment C
Glibness Enchantment
Power Word Stun Enchantment
Level 9 Warlock Spells
Spell   School   Special
Astral Projection Necromancy M
Foresight Divination
Gate Conjuration C, M
Imprisonment Abjuration M
Power Word Kill Enchantment
True Polymorph Transmutation C
Weird Illusion C

Warlock Subclasses

A Warlock subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Warlock levels, as specified in the subclass. This section presents the Archfey Patron, Celestial Patron, Fiend Patron, and Great Old One Patron subclasses.

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