
A Dazzling Mage Filled with Innate Magic

Core Sorcerer Traits

Primary Ability
Hit Point Die
D6 per Sorcerer level
Saving Throw Proficiencies
Constitution and Charisma
Skill Proficiencies
Choose 2: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, or Religion Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons
Armor Training
Starting Equipment
Choose A or B: (A) Spear, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (crystal), Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 28 GP; or (B) 50 GP

Sorcerers wield innate magic that is stamped into their being. Some Sorcerers can’t name the origin of their power, while others trace it to strange events in their personal or family history. The blessing of a dragon or a dryad at a baby’s birth or the strike of lightning from a clear sky might spark a Sorcerer’s gift. So too might the gift of a deity, exposure to the strange magic of another plane of existence, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality. Whatever the origin, the result is an indelible mark on the Sorcerer, a churning magic that can be passed down through generations.

Sorcerers don’t learn magic; the raw, roiling power of magic is part of them. The essential art of a Sorcerer is learning to harness and channel that innate magic, allowing the Sorcerer to discover new and staggering ways to unleash their power. As Sorcerers master their innate magic, they grow more attuned to its origin, developing distinct powers that reflect its source.

Sorcerers are rare. Some family lines produce exactly one Sorcerer in every generation, but most of the time, the talents of sorcery appear as a fluke. People who have this magical power soon discover that it doesn’t like to stay quiet. A Sorcerer’s magic wants to be wielded.

Becoming a Sorcerer …

As a Level 1 Character

  • Gain all the traits in the Core Sorcerer Traits table.
  • Gain the Sorcerer’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Sorcerer Features table.

As a Multiclass Character

  • Gain the Hit Point Die from the Core Sorcerer Traits table.
  • Gain the Sorcerer’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Sorcerer Features table. See the multiclassing rules in chapter 2 to determine your available spell slots.

Sorcerer Class Features

As a Sorcerer, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Sorcerer levels. These features are listed in the Sorcerer Features table.

Sorcerer Class Features
Level   Proficiency Bonus   Class Features   Sorcery Points   Cantrips   Prepared Spells  
1 +2 Spellcasting, Innate Sorcery 4 2
2 +2 Font of Magic, Metamagic 2 4 4
3 +2 Sorcerer Subclass 3 4 6
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 7
5 +3 Sorcerous Restoration 5 5 9
6 +3 Subclass feature 6 5 10
7 +3 Sorcery Incarnate 7 5 11
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 5 12
9 +4 9 5 14
10 +4 Metamagic 10 6 15
11 +4 11 6 16
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 6 16
13 +5 13 6 17
14 +5 Subclass feature 14 6 17
15 +5 15 6 18
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 16 6 18
17 +6 Metamagic 17 6 19
18 +6 Subclass feature 18 6 20
19 +6 Epic Boon 19 6 21
20 +6 Arcane Apotheosis 20 6 22

Spell Slots per Spell Level

As a Sorcerer, you gain the following spell slots when you reach the specified Sorcerer levels. These spell slots are listed in the Sorcerer Spell Slots table.

Sorcerer Spell Slots
Spell Level 1
Spell Level 2
Spell Level 3
Spell Level 4
Spell Level 5
Spell Level 6
Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
Spell Level 2
Spell Level 3
Spell Level 4
Spell Level 5
Spell Level 6
Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
Spell Level 2
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Spell Level 6
Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
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Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
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Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
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Spell Level 9
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Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
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Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Spell Level 1
Spell Level 2
Spell Level 3
Spell Level 4
Spell Level 5
Spell Level 6
Spell Level 7
Spell Level 8
Spell Level 9
Character Level   Spell Level 1   Spell Level 2   Spell Level 3   Spell Level 4   Spell Level 5   Spell Level 6   Spell Level 7   Spell Level 8   Spell Level 9
1 2
2 3
3 4 2
4 4 3
5 4 3 2
6 4 3 3
7 4 3 3 1
8 4 3 3 2
9 4 3 3 3 1
10 4 3 3 3 2
11 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 4 3 3 3 2 1
13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Level 1: Spellcasting

Drawing from your innate magic, you can cast spells. See chapter 7 for the rules on spellcasting. The information below details how you use those rules with Sorcerer spells, which appear in the Sorcerer spell list later in the class’s description.

Cantrips. You know four Sorcerer cantrips of your choice. LightPrestidigitationShocking Grasp, and Sorcerous Burst are recommended. Whenever you gain a Sorcerer level, you can replace one of your cantrips from this feature with another Sorcerer cantrip of your choice.

When you reach Sorcerer levels 4 and 10, you learn another Sorcerer cantrip of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips column of the Sorcerer Features table.

Spell Slots. The Sorcerer Features table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your level 1+ spells. You regain all expended slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Prepared Spells of Level 1+. You prepare the list of level 1+ spells that are available for you to cast with this feature. To start, choose two level 1 Sorcerer spells. Burning Hands and Detect Magic are recommended.

The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Sorcerer levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Sorcerer Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Sorcerer spells until the number of spells on your list matches the number in the Sorcerer Features table. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you’re a level 3 Sorcerer, your list of prepared spells can include six Sorcerer spells of level 1 or 2 in any combination.

If another Sorcerer feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Sorcerer spells for you.

Changing Your Prepared Spells. Whenever you gain a Sorcerer level, you can replace one spell on your list with another Sorcerer spell for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Sorcerer spells.

Spellcasting Focus. You can use an Arcane Focus as a Spellcasting Focus for your Sorcerer spells.

Level 1: Innate Sorcery

An event in your past left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with simmering magic. As a Bonus Action, you can unleash that magic for 1 minute, during which you gain the following benefits:

  • The spell save DC of your Sorcerer spells increases by 1.
  • You have Advantage on the attack rolls of Sorcerer spells you cast.

You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a Long Rest.

Level 2: Font of Magic

You can tap into the wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by Sorcery Points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.

You have 2 Sorcery Points, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Sorcery Points column of the Sorcerer Features table. You can’t have more Sorcery Points than the number shown in the table for your level. You regain all expended Sorcery Points when you finish a Long Rest.

You can use your Sorcery Points to fuel the options below, along with other features, such as Metamagic, that use those points.

Converting Spell Slots to Sorcery Points. You can expend a spell slot to gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to the slot’s level (no action required).

Creating Spell Slots. As a Bonus Action, you can transform unexpended Sorcery Points into one spell slot. The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a spell slot of a given level, and it lists the minimum Sorcerer level you must be to create a slot. You can create a spell slot no higher than level 5.

Any spell slot you create with this feature vanishes when you finish a Long Rest.

Creating Spell Slots
Spell Slot Level   Sorcery Point Cost   Min. Sorcerer Level
1 2 2
2 3 3
3 5 5
4 6 7
5 7 9

Level 2: Metamagic

Because your magic flows from within, you can alter your spells to suit your needs; you gain two Metamagic options of your choice from “Meta­magic Options” later in this class’s description. You use the chosen options to temporarily modify spells you cast. To use an option, you must spend the number of Sorcery Points that it costs.

You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it unless otherwise noted in one of those options.

Whenever you gain a Sorcerer level, you can replace one of your Metamagic options with one you don’t know. You gain two more options at Sorcerer level 10 and two more at Sorcerer level 17.

Level 3: Sorcerer Subclass

You gain a Sorcerer subclass of your choice. The Aberrant Sorcery, Clockwork Sorcery, Draconic Sorcery, and Wild Magic Sorcery subclasses are detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Sorcerer levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Sorcerer level or lower.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Sorcerer levels 8, 12, and 16.

Level 5: Sorcerous Restoration

When you finish a Short Rest, you can regain expended Sorcery Points, but no more than a number equal to half your Sorcerer level (round down). Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 7: Sorcery Incarnate

If you have no uses of Innate Sorcery left, you can use it if you spend 2 Sorcery Points when you take the Bonus Action to activate it.

In addition, while your Innate Sorcery feature is active, you can use up to two of your Metamagic options on each spell you cast.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of Dimensional Travel is recommended.

Level 20: Arcane Apotheosis

While your Innate Sorcery feature is active, you can use one Metamagic option on each of your turns without spending Sorcery Points on it.

Metamagic Options

The following options are available to your Meta­magic feature. The options are presented in alphabetical order.

Careful Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell’s full force. To do so, spend 1 Sorcery Point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell, and it takes no damage if it would normally take half damage on a successful save.

Distant Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell that has a range of at least 5 feet, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to double the spell’s range. Or when you cast a spell that has a range of Touch, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to make the spell’s range 30 feet.

Empowered Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one), and you must use the new rolls.

You can use Empowered Spell even if you’ve already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Extended Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to double its duration to a maximum duration of 24 hours.

If the affected spell requires Concentration, you have Advantage on any saving throw you make to maintain that Concentration.

Heightened Spell

Cost: 2 Sorcery Points

When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to give one target of the spell Disadvantage on saves against the spell.

Quickened Spell

Cost: 2 Sorcery Points

When you cast a spell that has a casting time of an action, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to change the casting time to a Bonus Action for this casting. You can’t modify a spell in this way if you’ve already cast a level 1+ spell on the current turn, nor can you cast a level 1+ spell on this turn after modifying a spell in this way.

Seeking Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

If you make an attack roll for a spell and miss, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to reroll the d20, and you must use the new roll.

You can use Seeking Spell even if you’ve already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Subtle Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to cast it without any Verbal, Somatic, or Material components, except Material components that are consumed by the spell or that have a cost specified in the spell.

Transmuted Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Thunder.

Twinned Spell

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point

When you cast a spell, such as Charm Person, that can be cast with a higher-level spell slot to target an additional creature, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to increase the spell’s effective level by 1.

Sorcerer Spell List

This section presents the Sorcerer spell list. The spells are organized by spell level and then alphabetized, and each spell’s school of magic is listed. In the Special column, C means the spell requires Concentration, R means it’s a Ritual, and M means it requires a specific Material component.

Cantrips (Level 0 Sorcerer Spells)
Spell   School   Special
Acid Splash Evocation
Blade Ward Abjuration C
Chill Touch Necromancy
Dancing Lights Illusion C
Elementalism Transmutation
Fire Bolt Evocation
Friends Enchantment C
Light Evocation
Mage Hand Conjuration
Mending Transmutation
Message Transmutation
Mind Sliver Enchantment
Minor Illusion Illusion
Poison Spray Necromancy
Prestidigitation Transmutation
Ray of Frost Evocation
Shocking Grasp Evocation
Sorcerous Burst Evocation
Thunderclap Evocation
True Strike Divinatin
Level 1 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Burning Hands Evocation
Charm Person Enchantment
Chromatic Orb Evocation M
Color Spray Illusion
Comprehend Languages Divination R
Detect Magic Divination C, R
Disguise Self Illusion
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation C
False Life Necromancy
Feather Fall Transmutation
Fog Cloud Conjuration C
Grease Conjuration
Ice Knife Conjuration
Jump Transmutation
Mage Armor Abjuration
Magic Missile Evocation
Ray of Sickness Necromancy
Shield Abjuration
Silent Image Illusion C
Sleep Enchantment C
Thunderwave Evocation
Witch Bolt Evocation C
Level 2 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Alter Self Transmutation C
Arcane Vigor Abjuration
Blindness/Deafness Transmutation
Blur Illusion C
Cloud of Daggers Conjuration C
Crown of Madness Enchantment C
Darkness Evocation C
Darkvision Transmutation
Detect Thoughts Divination C
Dragon’s Breath Transmutation C
Enhance Ability Transmutation C
Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation C
Flame Blade Evocation C
Flaming Sphere Evocation C
Gust of Wind Evocation C
Hold Person Enchantment C
Invisibility Illusion C
Knock Transmutation
Levitate Transmutation C
Magic Weapon Transmutation
Mind Spike Divination C
Mirror Image Illusion
Misty Step Conjuration
Phantasmal Force Illusion C
Scorching Ray Evocation
See Invisibility Divination
Shatter Evocation
Spider Climb Transmutation C
Suggestion Enchantment C
Web Conjuration C
Level 3 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Blink Transmutation
Clairvoyance Divination C, M
Counterspell Abjuration
Daylight Evocation
Dispel Magic Abjuration
Fear Illusion C
Fireball Evocation
Fly Transmutation C
Gaseous Form Transmutation C
Haste Transmutation C
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion C
Lightning Bolt Evocation
Major Image Illusion C
Protection from Energy Abjuration C
Sleet Storm Conjuration C
Slow Transmutation C
Stinking Cloud Conjuration C
Tongues Divination
Vampiric Touch Necromancy C
Water Breathing Transmutation R
Water Walk Transmutation R
Level 4 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Banishment Abjuration C
Blight Necromancy
Charm Monster Enchantment
Confusion Enchantment C
Dimension Door Conjuration
Dominate Beast Enchantment C
Fire Shield Evocation
Greater Invisibility Illusion C
Ice Storm Evocation
Polymorph Transmutation C
Stoneskin Transmutation C, M
Vitriolic Sphere Evocation
Wall of Fire Evocation C
Level 5 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Animate Objects Transmutation C
Bigby’s Hand Evocation C
Cloudkill Conjuration C
Cone of Cold Evocation
Creation Illusion
Dominate Person Enchantment C
Hold Monster Enchantment C
Insect Plague Conjuration C
Seeming Illusion
Synaptic Static Enchantment
Telekinesis Transmutation C
Teleportation Circle Conjuration M
Wall of Stone Evocation C
Level 6 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Arcane Gate Conjuration C
Chain Lightning Evocation
Circle of Death Necromancy M
Disintegrate Transmutation
Eyebite Necromancy C
Flesh to Stone Transmutation C
Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration C
Mass Suggestion Enchantment
Move Earth Transmutation C
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere Evocation
Sunbeam Evocation C
True Seeing Divination M
Level 7 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Delayed Blast Fireball Evocation C
Etherealness Conjuration
Finger of Death Necromancy
Fire Storm Evocation
Plane Shift Conjuration M
Prismatic Spray Evocation
Reverse Gravity Transmutation C
Teleport Conjuration
Level 8 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Demiplane Conjuration
Dominate Monster Enchantment C
Earthquake Transmutation C
Incendiary Cloud Conjuration C
Power Word Stun Enchantment
Sunburst Evocation
Level 9 Sorcerer Spells
Spell   School   Special
Gate Conjuration C, M
Meteor Swarm Evocation
Power Word Kill Enchantment
Time Stop Transmutation
Wish Conjuration

Sorcerer Subclasses

A Sorcerer subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Sorcerer levels, as specified in the subclass. This section presents the Aberrant Sorcery, Clockwork Sorcery, Draconic Sorcery, and Wild Magic Sorcery subclasses.

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